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How does creative coaching work?

How does this work?

Who is this for? Do I have to be an artist?​

You can be whoever you are! Some of my clients are artists, others have never been creative but wanted to bring creativity into their lives. Most of my clients are women, and the age-range spans 20-years to 60+


What does a session look like?​

I will design a creative pathway that is unique for you. Sometimes you will dance with your eyes closed and I will guide you to feel different parts of your body. We may do visualizations and then draw or free write. We may make portraits from found objects or recycling, or create origami boxes for your dreams or worries. Each session will include some kind of mediation or personal reflection. Depending on our goals, sessions may be self contained, or we may work on creating something tangible at the end of our time together.


Will I create an artwork?

Maybe, or maybe not. While we will likely create and use art, this is not an art class. The purpose of these classes is for self reflection personal discovery and mindfulness (also see above answer).


You do presence training, what is this?

Presence training teaches you to connect to the essence of who you are, away from all notions of good-bad-pretty-ugly-nice-mean-etc. It is based on a physical performer training that I have done for over 14-years, called NSP (Nobbs Suzuki Praxis). It's highly dynamic and brings energy into the body through rigorous exercises that are balanced by stillness (you will sweat in these sessions!). Since it's based on performer training (and the key element for a performer is to communicate with an audience),  you learn to harness your energy so that you are centered and grounded while being receptive and communicative with others.


Sounds amazing. What is the commitment?

Deep insight happens over time. Initial commitment is 4 times a month for two months, after that, frequency is at your discretion. Each session is 60 mins


What is the Cost?

I have a sliding scale per 60 mins session. Which income are you? I trust you!

Low income: $50

Middle income: $120 

High income: $250 


Would love to do it but it's still tricky with income. Is there another way to make it affordable?

Why not get a group together and split the cost? Group sessions (min 5 people) scales are:​

Low income: $150

Middle income: $250

High income: $550



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